We try a great, hearty family dish for the next episode of our series QUIZINE IN QUARANTINE. An Italian dish made of stacked layers of flat pasta filled will meaty, vege, saucy goodness – The Lasagne!

Originating in Italy during the Middle Ages, and traditionally ascribed to the city of Naples, this dish has vastly become a family favourite across the globe.

I mean, layering mince (or veg) with white sauce, soft pasta sheets and cheese – What’s not to like!

Cheesy goodness – Lasagne

INGREDIENTS (serves 6)
600g minced meat
5 fresh lasagne sheet
250g granted cheese
100g mixed veg
500g white lasagne sauce
200g tomato pasta sauce
1 ½ chopped onion
½ chopped bell pepper
1 cube of garlic and ginger
1 tbsp all purpose seasoning
1 tbsp paprika
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp ketchup

Hot sauce to taste
Jalapenos to taste
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Pour oil into a pan, and heat up pan

2. Add onions, bell pepper, garlic and ginger cube.

3. Season with salt and pepper and allow to cook for 5minutes at a high heat.

4. Turn heat down and add mince and mix well, place lid on top and allow to cook for 7 minutes until meat as turned brown.

5. Add your all purpose seasoning, paprika, chilli powder.

6. Add in your mixed veg.

7. Mix and add soy sauce, hot sauce and ketchup.

8. Add your tomato pasta sauce.

9. Finish with jalapenos!

10. Place lid and allow to cook for 10 minutes at a medium heat.

11. Once mince mix is ready take out your oven dish.

12. Layer mince, then pasta sheet, then white sauce and repeat.

13. Repeat until you reach the top of your dish and add your cheese.

14. Season with salt and pepper generously.

15. Cover with foil and cook for 20minutes at 180 degrees.

16. After 20minutes of cooking, take foil off and place back in oven and cook for 10minutes.

17. Once done, take out and allow to cool for 10minutes.

Now, you’re ready to eat! Watch how we put this beauty together below: